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Alessandro Safina

Alessandro Safina - организация концерта



По вопросам организации концертов и выступлений с участием Alessandro Safina, обращайтесь к менеджменту

по тел.: + 7(495) 7993497, м.  +7(910) 4222628

If you have any questions organizing a concert or any event with Alessandro Safina please contact our concert agency "Energy Star" : + 7(495) 7993497, mob: +7 910 4222628

Call our management team for production, celebrity entertainment and host needed for your next corporate event or private performance.

Знаменитым на весь мир Аллесандро Сафину сделали его уникальный голос, харизма и творческая смелость. Исполняя арии из "Евгения Онегина" П. И. Чайковского и "Богемы" Джаккомо Пуччини, артист мечтал приблизить оперное искусство к простому слушателю, "оживить оперу элементами поп-музыки". Круг музыкальных пристрастий самого певца весьма широк он увлекается группами U2, Genesis, Depeche Mode и Clash, а его кумир легендарный Энрико Карузо. Именно благодаря экспериментальному смешению двух жанров классического и популярного музыканту удалось создать собственный стиль, который он сам обозначил как "оперный рок". В 1999 году Алессандро Сафина выпустил альбом "Insieme a Te", в котором объединились элементы оперы, соула и мюзикла. Вошедший в диск трогательный хит "Luna" помог певцу завоевать сердца миллионов слушателей во всем мире. К многочисленной армии поклонников творчества Сафина относится и королева Великобритании Елизавета II.
  Алессандро подарил миру потрясающие дуэты с Сарой Брайтман, Элтоном Джоном и Эваном Макгрегором, Барбарой Эндрикс, Суми Йо и другими артистами. Его феерическое выступление на церемонии объявления Семи новых чудес света вместе с Чаком Канн и Дженнифер Лопес запомнилось телезрителям всего мира. Кроме того, журнал People включил артиста в список самых красивых людей планеты. Сейчас знаменитый тенор выступает на лучших сценах мира - в Великобритании, Ирландии, Италии, Бразилии, Канаде, Корее, США, Франции, Нидерландах и в других странах. Концерт в Москве даст старт российским гастролям музыканта в рамках его большого мирового турне. На концерте 26 марта2010 в "Крокус Сити Холл" Алессандро Сафина исполнит как прославившие его оперные арии, так и композиции с альбомов "Musica di te", "Sognami" и "Insieme A Te". Кроме того, москвичи смогут одними из первых услышать произведения с новой пластинки певца, выход которой намечен на первую половину этого года. Исполнитель готовит к концерту в Москве специальный подарок для зрителей дуэт с российской певицей Марией Новиковой, участницей конкурсов "Секрет успеха" и "Новая волна".


The Italian tenor Alessandro Safina - born in Siena on 14 October 1963 - discovers his passion for singing at early age; he's only nine years old when he starts studying music to apply himself to classical music. His enthusiasm for opera is given by his parents, who impart the love for this kind of music and for singing to him.
  On the age of 17 he applies at the well-established 'Accademia Di Musica' in Florence and sings, at rather young age, several leading parts in famous operas on European stages. 'Rodolfo' in Giacomo Puccini's 'La Bohиme' (his big breakthrough in 1990) and 'Vladimir Lenski' in Tchaykovski's 'Eugиne Onegin' are only two examples. He is praised everywhere for the depth of his voice and the intensity of his style.  
  Although he is totally wrapped in his love for the classical music and often listens to his big example, the legendary tenor Enrico Caruso, he's also inspired by good pop music like U2, Genesis, Depeche Mode and The Clash. His inner urge to combine the two music genres - and bringing classical music closer to the people - is growing. When Romano Musumarra, musician and composer, approaches him with the song 'La Sete di Vivere', he immediately responds enthusiastically. The cooperation is a fact when Musumarra hears him singing the song. The first pop opera album of the opera singer is recorded and in March 2000 he presents his new music style for the first time live to the audience in the world famous theatre 'l'Olympia' in Paris.
  His definitive breakthrough starts in the Netherlands in November 2000, where he performs in 'The Night of the Proms'. With his first single 'Luna' he builds a bridge between classical music and pop; the song stays number 1 for 14 weeks.
  A concert in The Hague in January 2001, that was broadcasted many times on television, even enlarges his great success; the Dutch public is very impressed by the great talent of the handsome, charismatic tenor with his captivating smile and his warm sense of humour. In April of the same year he gives another successful concert, this time in Amsterdam.
  His debut album 'Insieme a Te' sells like hot cakes in the Netherlands and becomes 3 times platinum within a few months. The cd is released in 38 countries. Meanwhile more than a million copies of 'Insieme a Te' are sold.
  Besides The Netherlands, Safina achieves great successes in Brazil and Korea, where he performs as a guest during concerts of Barbara Hendricks and Sumi Jo.
In September 2001 the legendary concert 'Only You' was taped in the beautiful ambiance of the famous amphitheatre 'El Greco' in Taormina, Sicily. Worldwide millions of people have enjoyed this concert on television in the series 'Great Performances' of the American national channel PBS. In February 2003 the concert is released on dvd.
  November 2001. Alessandro is one of the performing guests of Queen Elisabeth during the '73rd Royal Variety Performance'. He gives a masterly performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Music of the Night'.
  In 2001 Alessandro also contributes musically to Baz Luhrmann's successful movie 'Moulin Rouge'. In duet with Ewan McGregor he sings Elton John's classic hit 'Your Song'.
Close after his marriage in April 2002, Elton and Alessandro record 'Your song' again on CD for the charity fund 'Sport Relief' and end up in the Top 5 of the British charts. In May he is on stage in Rome and plays the part of 'Danilo Danilowitsch' in 'La Vedova Allegra'. In July of the same year he becomes the proud father of a beautiful son.
  One month later Alessandro receives - as a worldwide ambassador of the Italian 'musica lyrica' - in his homeland the Mario Lanza trophy.
2003: Safina can be seen and heard in the Italian cinemas as an actor; he appears as the painter 'Mario Cavaradossi' in 'Tosca e Altre Due', a movie based on the opera 'Tosca' of Giacomo Puccini. Meanwhile he works on his new album…
On the European version of Rod Stewart's album 'As Time Goes By', released in November 2003, his warm tenor voice can be heard in a duet with Stewart: 'Don't get around much anymore…'
For the soundtrack album of the Korean tv series 'Daejanggeum' Alessandro goes into studio to record the song 'Ha-Mang-Yeon' in a Korean and an English version.
  In September 2003 'Musica di Te', a new wonderful album of the talented and sympathetic singer is successfully released in Holland. Top producers, the famous London Chamber Orchestra and Carlos Santana participated in the realization of the album. Since January 2004 it has been released in many other countries. "It was a lot of work to finish this album", Alessandro says, modestly smiling. "We've been working on it more than a year. But nevertheless, I still love to hear it… and that's saying something, for a perfectionist like me".  
  Alessandro is proud of his second album… rightly! In fourteen beautiful songs Safina breaks down barriers between pop and classic again. Just like the first Safina album: highly recommended… classical pop with a warm Italian soul!
  After a concert in the world famous Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in November 2003, Safina receives an ovation from the audience that went on for many minutes.
One month later, during a concert in Utrecht for 11.000 people the tenor sings stars from heaven again.
  February 2004: during an exclusive concert premiere in Munich, Alessandro leaves also with the present German audience a profound and indelible impression.
Holland is totally taken with the sympathetic singer. In summer of 2004 he successfully gives three more - filled to capacity - open air concerts in Tegelen and Maastricht and immortalises his hands in concrete for Europe's largest star boulevard, the 'Walk of Fame' in Rotterdam.
Alessandro’s fans are eagerly looking forward yet to his third album...

Видео Alessandro Safina

Алессандро Сафина - Luna

Alessandro Safina - Venezia al Tramonto

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